Clinical Manifestations
- Prior to onset there may be:
Slight fever
Lymph node enlargement
Local skin sensitivity and pain
- This is an acute infectious skin disease
- Usually along one side of the body
- Papular eruptions
- Lymph node enlargement
- Nerve pain which may be very severe and may continue
after disappearance of the papules
- Occurs along the nerve routes, usually of the neck,
intercostals, abdomen, lower back or extremities
Ramsey-Hunt Syndrome:
Facial paralysis
Ear pain
External ear papular eruption
- Several days later they become scabs
- Then they become light red
- There may be pain without eruption
- There may only be erythema
- The virus may distribute through the blood system (systemic)
- If Damp predominates: the lesions are primarily located on the lower part of the body with more fluid discharge
- If Heat predominates: there is more pain, heat and redness
- If Wind predominates: the lesions appear more often in the upper body with more itching
- If Dampness and Heat combine: there will be painful, red blisters with discharge
- If Wind and Heat combine: there will be painful, red blisters in the upper body
- Channels:
Liver/Gall Bladder: lesions and pain in the flanks and intercostal regions
Yang Ming and Shao Yang: lesions and pain on the head and face
Points |
- LI-11, ST-36,
Sedate: SI-5, ST-44, LIV-2, HT-8
- LI-4, LI-11, SJ-6, LIV-3, GB-34, Huatuojiaji, SP-10, SP-6
- Forehead: Taiyang, ST-8, GB-14, UB-2, LI-4, LI-11
- Head and face:
1. LI-4, LI-11, SI-5
2. GB-1, UB-2, Yuyao
- For ophthalmic herpes zoster: GB-13, GB-14, GB-15, SJ-2, SJ-23, ST-8, Taiyang, UB-7 and any Ahshi points on the scalp
Distal points: GB-44, KI-6, LIV-2, UB-62, UB-67
- Zygomatic area: Taiyang, ST-2, UB-1, ST-7, LI-4, SJ-17
- Mandible area: ST-6, ST-4, ST-5, SJ-17, LI-4
- Trunk:
Follow the nerve root + LI-4, LI-11
2. GB-24, LIV-14, SP-21 + the Huatuojiaji points associated with the affected dermatome as well as the adjacent dermatomes
- Below the umbilicus: ST-36, SP-6
- Upper extremities: LI-4, LI-11, SJ-5
- Lower extremities: SP-10, SP-6, ST-36, GB-34
- Axillary area: HT-1, GB-42, SJ-5
- Flanks and intercostal area: GB-34, GB-41, SJ-6
- Lower Jiao: SP-9, UB-40
- Wind: GB-31, LI-4, LI-11
- Damp: SP-6, SP-9, ST-36, ST-40
- To clear Heat:
1. LI-11, SP-10
2. LI-4, LI-11
- To move the Blood: SP-6, SP-10
- For pain: LIV-3
- For nerve pain: needle directly into Ahshi points
- To Dispel Wind from the skin if there is itching: SJ-5
- To move Qi along the flanks: GB-41, SJ-5
- Ear:
Liver, Lung, Shenmen
2. Lung, Diaphragm, Shenmen, Subcortex
- Puncture papular eruptions with a triangular needle
- Plum-needle + cupping of the papular eruptions
- Apply moxa to the eruptions