- Irregular menstruation
- Dysmenorrhea
- Amenorrhea
- Uterine bleeding
- Uterine bleeding containing clots
- Sudden uterine bleeding
- Continuous uterine bleeding
- Postpartum Qi and Blood Deficiency
- Leukorrhea
- The five types of painful urinary dysfunction
- Neurodermatitis
- Urinary incontinence
- Pruritis
- Distended abdomen due to rebellious Qi
- Chronic peritonitis
- Inguinal bubo (lymph gland inflamed or enlarged)
- Dripping urine
- All types of bleeding
- Early menstruation due to Heat in the Blood
- Malarial disorders
- Generalized itching
- Troubles due to irregular eating and overwork
- Skin rashes with fever
- Endometritis
- Urticaria
- Eczema
- Erysipelas
- Herpes zoster
- Painful, hot sores
- Ulceration and itching of the scrotum
- Pain and itching of the genitals
- Qi painful urinary dysfunction
- Blood painful urinary dysfunction
- Pain of the inner aspect of the thigh
- Eruptive fevers due to Wind or Damp
- Discharge due to intemperance, fatigue or Deficiency of Qi
- Dripping urine
- Anemia
- Pimples which come back every year
- Orchitis
- Coldness on the mental level
- Rejection
- Withdrawal
- Restless fetus disorder due to Heat in the Blood or Blood Deficiency
- Testicular mumps
- Vaginal pruritis
- Painful menstruation
- Menorrhagia