English: | Gushing Spring |
Also Known As: | Bubbling Spring |
- On the sole of the foot, in the depression when the foot is in plantar flexion, approximately at the junction of the anterior one-third and posterior two-thirds of the line connecting the base of the second and third toes and the heel.
- In the depression produced on the sole when the foot is plantar flexed, approximately one-third the distance from the base of the second toe to the back of the heel.
- Perpendicular insertion 0.5 cun.
- Perpendicular insertion 0.5-1 cun causing local pain and distention, possibly extending throughput the ankle.
- Do not bleed
- Moxibustion is applicable
- Jing-Well point of the Kidney channel
- Wood point of the Kidney channel
- Sedation point
- Courage point
- Taoist yoga power point
- Primary sedation point
- Entry point
- Dispersion point of the Kidney channel
- Tonifies the Kidneys, especially Yin and Jing
- Enriches Yin
- Calms the Shen
- Calms the Heart
- Calms the Mind
- Restores collapsed Yang
- Revives consciousness
- Clears the brain
- Opens the sensory orifices
- Transforms Heart Phlegm
- Clears Fire and Heat, especially in the head
- Subdues Wind
- Descends Excess from the head
- "Corpse Receiver" - emergency point for high Blood pressure
ST-36 |
KI-4 |
Septic shock |
Consumptive cough |
Swollen, painful throat with difficulty swallowing |
KI-4 |
PC-8 |
Headache and visual dizziness |
Pain of the throat with inability to eat |
The five types of epilepsy |
DU-6 or |
Dementia |
Loss of voice |
Wind epilepsy |
KI-2 |
GB-30 |
LIV-2 |
Throat Bi with chills and fever Pain of the toes with inability to walk on the ground |
Windrash |
Severe thirst from wasting and thirsting disorder |
LI-4 |
DU-24 |
Infertility |
Injury by Cold with great Heat that does not recede |
Visual dizziness |
DU-2 |
Stiffness and pain of the lumbar region |
Menopausal hot flashes |
- Forbidden after the seventh month of pregnancy
- This point brings in earth energy.
- It is good to moxa this point to strengthen the whole body.
- Walking in cold, wet grass stimulates the circulation and is good for cancer patients.
- In Korea, a month before his wedding, a man would stand on hot coals to stimulate his sexual energy.
- This point sedates Qi and is used for Excess conditions.
- It tonifies Yin and reduces Empty Fire.
- It is recommended to massage KI-1 before bed to treat insomnia.
- It is frequently used for Yin Deficiency with Empty Heat in the Heart (Heart and Kidney Not Harmonized).