American Dragon Newsletter
"Treatment Protocols" is and always will be a work in progress.
Dear friends and colleagues,
Here is the December edition of the "American Dragon Newsletter". There is lots of good stuff this month, lots of new formulas and updates.
The main focus of "Treatment Protocols" is the treatment of medical conditions by Chinese Medicine. This primarily includes the use herb formulas and acupuncture. I only add herbs, herb formulas and acupuncture points when they appear as treatment methods for the specific medical condition that I am working on.
Condition updates may be either additional syndromes, additional herb formulas or additional point combinations.
Formula updates are usually additional modifications.
Individual Herb and point updates are usually additional bits of information added to the "Notes" section.
I have been asked about the formulas whose titles contain the name of a condition plus a number, for example Stomach Cancer #6. These formulas are attributed to well known ancient and modern Chinese doctors but do not have names. They are often called "experiential formulas". I have found that many of these formulas are quite effective since they were designed to treat the specific condition named.
I hope you derive benefit from this site and, as always, it is free of charge so I am pleased if you share it with your friends and colleagues.
Wishing you all good health,
Since Dr. Penner’s passing, there is no business income to help defray web hosting costs. If you are called to do so, we would welcome donations to help these expenses. Please consider making a recurring or one-time donation using the ‘Donate’ button below.