Points |
- General pain:
1. GB-30, GB-34, GB-39, LI-4, LI-11, LI-15, SJ-4, SP-21, ST-41, UB-17, UB-62
2. HT-3, GB-38, LU-5, SJ-10, UB-40
3. SI-3, UB-62, SP-21, UB-17
- Fever: DU-14
- Mandibular joint:
1. ST-7, GB-2, LI-4
2. LI-4, SI-19, SJ-17, ST-7
1. Ahshi, Sympathetic
2. Ahshi, Sympathetic, Shenmen
- Joint deformity:
GB-39, ST-40, UB-11
- Upper limbs:
1. DU-14, LI-4, LI-10, LI-11, LI-15, LU-2, SI-3, SI-11, SJ-3, SJ-5, SJ-10, SJ-21
2. Baxie, LI-4, LI-11, LI-15, SJ-5
- Pain in the shoulder joint:
1. LI-15, SI-10, SJ-14, SJ-15, SJ-19, Jianneiling
2. SI-9, LI-15, SJ-14
3. LI-15, SI-9, SI-10, SJ-14
4. SJ-14, SI-11, LI-15,
5. Jianneiling, LI-15, SJ-14, SI-11, SJ-3, GB-34
- Shoulder pain so severe, it feels like it is about
to break off: SI-6, UB-10
- Pain in the scapula:
1. LI-11, UB-43, SI-12, SI-14, UB-13
2. SI-11, SI-12, SI-14 UB-43
- Pain in the elbow:
1. LI-4, LI-11, LI-10, LU-5, PC-3, SJ-5, SJ-6, SJ-10
2. LI-4, LI-11, LU-5, SJ-5, SJ-10
3. LU-5, SI-4
4. LI-4, LI-11, SJ-10
in the wrist:
1. SJ-4, SJ-5, LI-4, LI-5, LI-11, LU-8, LU-9, SI-3, SI-5
2. SJ-4, PC-7, Sifeng, Shangbaxie
3. SJ-4, SI-5, SJ-5
4. SI-4, LU-9
5. LI-5, LI-10, SI-4, SJ-4, SJ-5, PC-7, Sifeng, Shangbaxie
- Pain of the metacarpals: LI-5, LI-10, SI-4, SJ-4, SJ-5, PC-7, Sifeng, Shangbaxie
- Stiffness and pain of the fingers:
1. SI-5, SI-3, LI-4
2. SJ-4, PC-7, Sifeng, Shangbaxie
3. Source points according to the nerve, SI-3, LI-3, Baxie
4. SI-3, SI-4
5. LI-5, LI-10, SI-4, SJ-4, SJ-5, PC-7, Sifeng, Shangbaxie
- Numbness and pain in the fingers:
1. SI-3, SI-4, LI-3, Bafeng, Baxie, Shixuan
2. SJ-4, PC-7, Sifeng, Shangbaxie
- Pain in the back: DU-3, DU-12, DU-26
- Pain in the spine:
1. DU-2, DU-14, DU-16, GB-30, UB-13, UB-14, UB-40, UB-60
2. DU-2, DU-4, DU-12, GB-20, GB-25, GB-30, ST-41, UB-23, UB-40, UB-52, UB-60
3. Huatoujiaji, DU-15, UB-37
4. Huatoujiaji, DU-26, UB-37, UB-40
- Lumbar pain:
1. DU-2, DU-3, DU-12, DU-26, UB-23, UB-25, UB-31, UB-32, UB-33, UB-34
2. DU-3
3. DU-3, Shiqizhuixia, UB-26, UB-30, UB-40, UB-60
4. KI-4, UB-64
- Sacroiliac pain: UB-27, UB-28, Ahshi
- Lower limbs:
1. DU-2, GB-30, GB-31, GB-34, GB-43, LIV-7, ST-34, ST-36, ST-41, UB-32, UB-40, UB-60
2. Bafeng, GB-30,GB-34, GB-39, GB-40, ST-35, ST-36, ST-41
- Hip joint pain:
1. GB-29, GB-30, GB-39, ST-32, UB-54
2. Bleed the Jing-Well point of the Gall Bladder tendino-muscular channel
3. GB-29, GB-30, UB-37, UB-51
4. GB-41 or GB-42 + SJ-3 opposite
+ GB-40, GB-37, GB-34, GB-31
5. GB-41 + SJ-5 GB-29, Jiankua
6. ST-31, UB-36, UB-40
7. GB-30, GB-34, LIV-3, UB-65
8. GB-24, GB-30, GB-34, GB-39
Ear: Hip, Lumbar spine, Shenmen, Thalamus,
Adrenal Endocrine
- Thigh pain:
1. GB-31, GB-34, ST-33, UB-36, UB-54
- Tibia pain: UB-57, UB-58
- Knee joint pain:
1, GB-34, SP-9, ST-32, ST-35 (lateral), ST-35 (medial). UB-40, Heding
2. GB-34, GB-31, ST-33
3. ST-34, ST-35, GB-34
4. ST-34, ST-35, GB-33, GB-34, SP-9
5. Bleed UB-40, needle GB-34, SP-9
6. Heding, Xixia, GB-34, SP-9, ST-34, ST-35, ST-36
7. GB-34, LIV-7, LIV-8, Neixiyan, SP-6, SP-9, ST-33
- Numbness and pain in the legs: GB-39, ST-36, UB-57, UB-58
- Ankle pain:
1. GB-40, KI-2, KI-3, KI-6, LIV-4, SP-5, SP-21, UB-60
2. ST-41, KI-3, SP-5, UB-60
3. UB-60, UB-62
4. GB-35, GB-40, KI-3, KI-8, ST-41, UB-60
- Metatarsophalangeal pain: Shangbafeng, GB-38, SP-4, SP-5, UB-65
- Numbness and pain in the toes:
1. GB-44, LIV-2, SP-4, ST-44, UB-65, Bafeng
2. SP-4, UB-65, Bafeng
- Wind in the joints of the toes and fingers that
cannot be flexed or extended: UB-58
- To calm the mind and ease pain: DU-20, HT-3, HT-7, LI-4, LIV-3, PC-6, Taiyang
- Chest Bi - Heart blockage: HT-7, PC-4, PC-6
- Chronic: Acupuncture + moxibustion
- Acute: Plum blossom area + GB-38, GB-41, SJ-5, SP-5
- Swelling:
Plum blossom area + Plum blossom back Shu points
of the corresponding area
2. REN-9, SP-9, ST-28, UB-39 moxa
or moxa needle if no fever
- Muscular or early-stage Bi: Luo points on the opposite side
Brachial pain: SI-7, + GB-20, GB-21, or SJ-15
Damage ring finger: SJ-5 (opposite side)
Base of the thumb: LU-7, LI-6 (opposite side, LU-9 or LI-5 (same side)
Hip: KI-6 (right side), GB-37 (left side)
Pain behind the knee: GB-40, SP-4, UB-58 (opposite
- Summertime treatment (prevents recurrence in th winter):
Upper extremities: moxa LI-11
Lower extremities extremities: moxa ST-36
Upper back : moxa UB-38
Lower back: moxa UB-23