English: | Upper Arm |
Also Known As: | Medial Upper Arm Arm and Scapula Upper Arm's Musculature Main Muscle of the Arm Median Side of the Upper Arm |
- On the lateral side of the upper arm, on the line joining LI-11 Quchi and LI-15 Jianyu, 7 cun above LI-11 Quchi at the insertion of the m. deltoideus.
- Located on the lower border of the deltoid muscle and the radial side of the humerus, approximately 3 cun below LI-15 Jianyu.
- With the arm hanging freely at the side and the elbow bent, this point may be found slightly anterior to the insertion of the deltoid muscle.
- On the lateral side of the upper arm, in the visible and tender depression formed between the distal insertion of the deltoid muscle and the brachial is muscle, approximately three-fifths of the distance along the line drawn between LI-11 Quchi and LI-15 Jianyu.
Note: this point is easier to find if the muscles of the upper arm are tensed.
- Puncture perpendicularly or obliquely upward 0.8 to 1,5 cun.
- Moxibustion is applicable.
- Straight insertion, 0.5 to 1 cun. Sensation: local distention and soreness.
- Penetrate the arm in front of or behind the humerus, 1 to 1,5 cun. Sensation: local distention and soreness.
- For eye diseases, slanted insertion upward into the deltoid muscle, 1 to 2 cun. Sensation: local distention and soreness.
- Oblique insertion 1 to 1.5 cun.
- Meeting point with the Small Intestine, Urinary Bladder and Yang Wei channels
- Removes obstruction from the channel
- Alleviates pain
- Brightens the eyes
- Resolves Phlegm
- Disperses masses
- This is considered a secret point to access the Yang Wei channel.
- This point is said to enhance psychic abilities.
- This is a frequently used local point.