- Painful and heavy head with cold feet
- Splitting headache
- Heat in the head
- Shaking of the head
- Redness of the inner canthus
- Redness and inflammation of the inner canthus with lesions
- Superficial visual obstruction
- Visual dizziness
- Rhinitis with ceaseless nosebleed
- Chills and fever
- Malaria
- No pleasure in eating
- Seizures
- Tidal fever
- Headache
- Atrocious headache
- Dizziness
- Corneal opacity
- Chronic lower backache
- Insanity
- Wasp or bee stings on the tongue or throat
- Dimness of vision
- Dyspnea
- Difficulty flexing the lumbar region
- Alternating chills and fever
- Epigastric pain
- Pain in the lower back and thigh
- Pain in the lower back and legs
- Atrocious pain in the renal region
- Pain in the hip, calf and foot
- Infantile convulsions
- Mental disorder
- Fear
- Pain in the Heart with eye dizziness
- Incessant epistaxis
- Pain in the knee and contracture of the foot
- Pain in the back and sides, cannot bend
- Deviation of the spinal column
- Scoliosis
- Palpitations
- Heart pain
- Heart pain due to a disturbance of Kidney Qi
- Mania-depression
- Propensity to fright
- Epilepsy
- Stiff neck
- Torticollis
- Pain of the back and sides
- Lumbar pain
- Aversion to Cold and pain of the back
- Cracked and dry feet
- Cold-Damp leg Qi
- Back pain with inability to lie supine
- Depressive psychosis
- Epistaxis due to Wind-Heat
- Red eyes
- Burning pain on urination
- Myocarditis
- Meningitis
- Torticollis
- Pneumonia
- Cataracts
- No desire for food or drink
- Vertigo
- Fright
- Anorexia
- Migraine
- Lumbago
- Pain in the renal region with a sensation of breaking
- Nebula
- White membrane covering the conjunctiva
- Cardiac diseases
- Does not eat or drink
- Heaviness in the head with Cold in the legs
- Stiff body
- Muscular contractures
- Joint pains
- Spasms of the calf