Clinical Manifestations
- An acute localized pyogenic infection of the glands
of the eyelash follicle beginning with pain, redness
and tenderness on the lid margin of the eye. It is followed
by lacrimation, photophobia and the sensation of a foreign
body within the eye. In TCM Stye belongs the spleen and
stomach which is caused by damp heat or over consumption
of greasy, spicy foods causing internal Heat which upsurges
with wind.
- External Hordeolum:
At the early stage, redness, swelling and pain occur
in the skin of the palpable margin with obvious tenderness,
and induration in shape of a ripe wheat-seed may be
palpated. If the condition is mild, all the symptoms
may disappear themselves in a few days. If the condition
is severe, there may appear in 3 to 5 days a yellow
pus head. When the pus head ruptures by itself, the
pain may be alleviated, and the soreness and swelling
will soon subside.
- Internal Hordeolum: The clinical manifestations
of internal hordeolum are not so severe as those of external
one. Severe symptoms of the external canthus, however,
may lead to ocular echymosis or even give rise to the
prominence of bulbar conjunctiva out of the palpable
fissure. The surface of the palpable conjunctiva is
red or purple and prominent,with a yellow and white pus
head in the middle. When the pus head ruptures itself
from the conjunctiva and the pus is excreted, the condition
of the disorder may be eased.
Treatment Principle |
Herb Formulas |
- Zi Shen Ming Mu Tang
- For a hard internal core: San
Huang Xie Xin Tang
- For hordeolum with severe redness, swelling and
pain: Decoct 30g Jin
Yin Hua and 60g Pu
Gong Ying in water for 15 to 30 minutes. Take
orally in the morning and evening. Then put the dregs
of the decoction into 500 ml water and boil. Finally
use the hot decoction to fumigate and wash the infected
eye several times every day.
- For hordeolum with pain, redness and swelling of
the eyelid: Decoct 60g Pu
Gong Ying and 15g Ye
Ju Hua in water. Take one dose a day, orally. Use
the second one to fumigate and wash the affected eye
several times every day.
- Topical:
Du Gao
For initial-stage hordeolum:
Pound 9g powder of Sheng
Nan Xing and 15g
powder of Sheng
Di Huang into a paste and
apply to the acupuncture point Taiyang.
For initial-stage
hordeolum: Pound
60g Pu
Gong Ying and
compress on the affected
Patent Medicine: Zi
Jin Ding -
mix with vinegar and use as
a compress on the affected
Points |
- Strongly stimulate Sawadahegu (1 finger breadth
proximal to LI-4)
- Sedate LU-7, UB-1,
tonify SI-7
- LU-11, SI-7, UB-1
- Locate a small red spot on the upper back, usually
between the neck and UB-43. The spot to treat will be
located contralaterally to the lesion. Use a triangular
needle to pierce the red spot at least one-eighth inch
deep and squeeze out a few drops of blood. The sty should
disappear after a few days and will not recur.
- GB-3, SJ-10, ST-36
- GB-14, UB-1, UB-2, SJ-23
- UB-62, SI-3
- KI-6, LU-7
- Foot acupuncture: ST-44, GB-41, GB-42, GB-43, GB-44, UB-62, UB-64, UB-65, UB-67, KI-6, LIV-2, LIV-3,
a reducing acupuncture technique is applied and the needles
are retained for 20 minutes