English: | Xanthium Powder |
Also Known As: | Xanthium Formula Cang Er San |
Pharmaceutical Latin |
Pin Yin | Dosage |
Actions |
Fr. Xanthii | Cang Er Zi | 6-10g | Disperses Wind, dispels Dampness and opens the nasal passages. With Xin Yi Hua, unblocks the nasal passages and treats headache and profuse nasal discharge. |
Flos Magnoliae | Xin Yi Hua | 3-15g | Expels Wind-Cold and unblocks the nasal passages. |
Rx. Angelicae Dahuricae | Bai Zhi | 3-30g | Releases the exterior, disperses Cold, opens the nasal orifices, disperses Wind-Dampness, alleviates pain and headache, reduces swelling and expels pus. With Cang Er Zi and Xin Yi Hua, for headache due to nasal congestion with thick putrid discharge. |
Hb. Menthae | Bo He | 1.5-6g | Disperses Wind-Heat, clears the head and eyes and benefits the throat. |
- Disperses Wind
- Alleviates pain
- Unblocks the nose
- Wind-Cold with interior Heat in the muscles
- Profuse nasal discharge due to Wind-Heat Attacking the head
For increased Heat in the Lung: | For profuse nasal discharge: | ||
+ Cx. Mori | Sang Bai Pi | + Flos Lonicerae | Jin Yin Hua |
+ Cx. Lycii | Di Gu Pi | or |
or |
+ Flos Lonicerae | Jin Yin Hua | |
+ Cx. Mori | Sang Bai Pi | + Centipeda Minima | E Bu Shi Cao |
+ Rx. Scutellariae | Huang Qin | + Rx. Glycyrrhizae | Gan Cao |
For sinusitis due to Excess Stomach Heat: |
For sinusitis due to Excess Stomach Heat with sticky yellow mucus: |
+ Clear Stomach Heat Powder Qing Wei San |
+ Clear Stomach Heat Powder Qing Wei San |
For sinusitis due to Excess Stomach Heat with restlessness and thirst: |
+ Hb. Patriniae | Bai Jiang Cao | |
+ Clear Stomach Heat Powder Qing Wei San |
+ Sp. Gleditsiae | Zao Jiao Ci | |
+ Rz. Anemarrhenae | Zhi Mu | + Gypsum Fibrosum | Shi Gao |
For sinusitis due to Excess Stomach Heat with gingival swelling and bleeding: |
For severe nasal obstruction: |
+ Clear Stomach Heat Powder Qing Wei San |
+ Centipeda Minima | E Bu Shi Cao | |
+ Rz. Imperatae | Bai Mao Gen | + Hb. Asari | Xi Xin |
+ Hb. Cephalanoplos | Xiao Ji | For concurrent fever and Heat in the Lungs: |
For bloody nasal discharge: |
+ Rx. Scutellariae | Huang Qin | |
+ Rx. Rubiae | Qian Cao Gen | + Hb. Houttuyniae | Yu Xing Cao |
+ Rx. Rehmanniae | Sheng Di Huang | For more severe dizziness and headache: |
For copious, purulent nasal discharge: |
+ Flos Chrysanthemi | Ju Hua | |
+ Flos Lonicerae | Jin Yin Hua | + Fr. Tribuli | Bai Ji Li |
+ Fr. Forsythiae | Lian Qiao | For nasal congestion and sinusitis due to Wind-Heat Attacking the Lungs: |
For nasal congestion and sinusitis due to Wind-Heat Attacking the Lungs with severe frontal or maxillary headache: |
+ 9g Rx. Scutellariae | Huang Qin | |
+ 9g Rx. Scutellariae | Huang Qin | + 12g Flos Chrysanthemi | Ju Hua |
+ 12g Flos Chrysanthemi | Ju Hua | + 15g Fr. Forsythiae | Lian Qiao |
+ 15g Fr. Forsythiae | Lian Qiao | + 15g Rx. Puerariae | Ge Gen |
+ 15g Rx. Puerariae | Ge Gen | For nasal congestion and sinusitis due to Wind-Heat Attacking the Lungs with a temporal headache: |
+ Increase Rx. Angelicae Dahuricae to 12g | Bai Zhi | + 9g Rx. Scutellariae | Huang Qin |
+ 9g. Fr. Viticis | Man Jing Zi | + 12g Flos Chrysanthemi | Ju Hua |
For nasal congestion and sinusitis due to Wind-Heat Attacking the Lungs with a cough with copious sputum: |
+ 15g Fr. Forsythiae | Lian Qiao | |
+ 9g Rx. Scutellariae | Huang Qin | + 15g Rx. Puerariae | Ge Gen |
+ 12g Flos Chrysanthemi | Ju Hua | + 9g Rx. Bupleuri | Chai Hu |
+ 15g Fr. Forsythiae | Lian Qiao | For nasal congestion and sinusitis due to Wind-Heat Attacking the Lungs with purulent nasal discharge: |
+ 15g Rx. Puerariae | Ge Gen | + 9g Rx. Scutellariae | Huang Qin |
+ 9g Sm. Armeniacae | Xing Ren | + 12g Flos Chrysanthemi | Ju Hua |
+ 9g Rx. Platycodi | Jie Geng | + 15g Fr. Forsythiae | Lian Qiao |
+ 12g Sm. Trichosanthis | Gua Lou Ren | + 15g Rx. Puerariae | Ge Gen |
+ 12g Sm. Benincasae | Dong Gua Ren | +15g Flos Lonicerae | Jin Yin Hua |
For nasal congestion and sinusitis due to Wind-Heat Attacking the Lungs with Lung Heat: |
+ 15g Hb. Houttuyniae | Yu Xing Cao | |
+ 9g Rx. Scutellariae | Huang Qin | For nasal congestion and sinusitis due to Wind-Heat Attacking the Lungs with pre-existing Phlegm-Damp: |
+ 12g Flos Chrysanthemi | Ju Hua | + 9g Rx. Scutellariae | Huang Qin |
+ 15g Fr. Forsythiae | Lian Qiao | + 12g Flos Chrysanthemi | Ju Hua |
+ 15g Rx. Puerariae | Ge Gen | + 15g Fr. Forsythiae | Lian Qiao |
+ Gypsum Fibrosum | Shi Gao | + 15g Rx. Puerariae | Ge Gen |
+ 12g Rz. Anemarrhenae | Zhi Mu | + 6g Rz. Pinelliae Preparatum | Zhi Ban Xia |
For nasal congestion and sinusitis due to Wind-Heat Attacking the Lungs with remnants of Wind-Cold: |
+12g Poria | Fu Ling | |
+ 9g Rx. Scutellariae | Huang Qin | + 6g Per. Citri Reticulatae | Chen Pi |
+ 12g Flos Chrysanthemi | Ju Hua | For rhinitis due to Lung Qi Deficiency: |
+ 15g Fr. Forsythiae | Lian Qiao | + Jade Windscreen Powder Yu Ping Feng San |
+ 15g Rx. Puerariae | Ge Gen | + Two or three of the following: |
+ 6g Hb. Asari | Xi Xin | + 12g Sm. Cuscutae | Tu Si Zi |
+ 9g Rz. et Rx. Ligustici | Gao Ben | +12g Cx. Eucommiae | Du Zhong |
+ 9g Rx. Saposhnikoviae | Fang Feng | + 9g Sm. Juglandis | Hu Tao Ren |
+ 9g Rz. et Rx. Notopterygii | Qiang Huo | + 12g Fr. Psoraliae | Bu Gu Zhi |
For rhinitis due to Lung Qi Deficiency with severe congestion: |
+ 12g Rx. Morindae | Ba Ji Tian | |
+ Jade Windscreen Powder Yu Ping Feng San |
+ 12g Rx. Dipsaci | Xu Duan | |
+ Two or three of the following: |
+ 9g Fr. Rubi | Fu Pen Zi | |
+ 12g Sm. Cuscutae | Tu Si Zi | + 9g Fr. Schisandrae | Wu Wei Zi |
+12g Cx. Eucommiae | Du Zhong | + Large Dose Rx. Astragali | Huang Qi |
+ 9g Sm. Juglandis | Hu Tao Ren | For rhinitis due to Lung Qi Deficiency with exhausting paroxysms of sneezing: |
+ 12g Fr. Psoraliae | Bu Gu Zhi | + Jade Windscreen Powder Yu Ping Feng San |
+ 12g Rx. Morindae | Ba Ji Tian | + Two or three of the following: |
+ 12g Rx. Dipsaci | Xu Duan | + 12g Sm. Cuscutae | Tu Si Zi |
+ 9g Fr. Rubi | Fu Pen Zi | +12g Cx. Eucommiae | Du Zhong |
+ 9g Fr. Schisandrae | Wu Wei Zi | + 9g Sm. Juglandis | Hu Tao Ren |
+ Large Dose Rx. Astragali | Huang Qi | + 12g Fr. Psoraliae | Bu Gu Zhi |
+ Two or three of the following: |
+ 12g Rx. Morindae | Ba Ji Tian | |
+ 3g Hb. Asari | Xi Xin | + 12g Rx. Dipsaci | Xu Duan |
+ 9g Ram. Cinnamomi | Gui Zhi | + 9g Fr. Rubi | Fu Pen Zi |
+ 3g Per. Zanthoxyli | Chuan Jiao | + 9g Fr. Schisandrae | Wu Wei Zi |
+ 6g Rx. Aucklandiae | Mu Xiang | + Large Dose Rx. Astragali | Huang Qi |
For rhinitis due to Lung Qi Deficiency with continuous, copious, watery nasal discharge: |
+ One or two of the following: |
+ Jade Windscreen Powder Yu Ping Feng San |
+ 9g Per. Cicadae | Chan Tui | |
+ Two or three of the following: |
+ 1.5g Scorpio | Quan Xie | |
+ 12g Sm. Cuscutae | Tu Si Zi | + 2g Periostracum Serpentis | She Tui |
+12g Cx. Eucommiae | Du Zhong | + 9g Pheretima | Di Long |
+ 9g Sm. Juglandis | Hu Tao Ren | For nasopharyngeal cancer: |
+ 12g Fr. Psoraliae | Bu Gu Zhi | + 30g Rx. Scutellariae Barbatae | Ban Zhi Lian |
+ 12g Rx. Morindae | Ba Ji Tian | + 10g Rx. Sophorae Tonkinensis | Shan Dou Gen |
+ 12g Rx. Dipsaci | Xu Duan | + 15g Sp. Prunellae | Xia Ku Cao |
+ 9g Fr. Rubi | Fu Pen Zi | + 10g Fr. Viticis | Man Jing Zi |
+ 9g Fr. Schisandrae | Wu Wei Zi | + 10g Placenta Hominis | Zi He Che |
+ Large Dose Rx. Astragali | Huang Qi | + 10g Flos Chrysanthemi Indici | Ye Ju Hua |
+ One or two of the following: |
For rhinorrhea due to Wind-Cold Attacking the Lungs: |
+ 9g Fr. Rosae Laevigatae | Jin Ying Zi | - Hb. Menthae | Bo He |
+ 12g Fr. Tritici Levis | Fu Xiao Mai | + 10g Hb. Ephedrae | Ma Huang |
+ 12g Rx. Oryzae Glutinosae | Nuo Dao Gen | + 10g Hb. Schizonepetae | Jing Jie |
For rhinorrhea due to Wind-Heat Invading the Lungs: |
+ 10g Hb. Agastaches/ Pogostemmi | Huo Xiang | |
+ 10g Fol. Mori | Sang Ye | + 3g Hb. Asari | Xi Xin |
+ 10g Flos Chrysanthemi | Ju Hua | For nasal congestion due to Lung Heat: |
+ 10g Rx. Puerariae | Ge Gen | + 10g Rx. Scutellariae | Huang Qin |
For nasal congestion and sinusitis due to Lung Heat: |
+ 10g Hb. Houttuyniae | Yu Xing Cao | |
+ Rx. Scutellariae | Huang Qin | + 10g Rx. Platycodi | JIe Geng |
+ Flos Chrysanthemi | Ju Hua | For nasal congestion and sinusitis due to Lung Heat with Wind-Heat predominant: |
+ Fr. Forsythiae | Lian Qiao | + Mulberry Leaf and Chrysanthemum Decoction Sang Ju Yin |
+ Rx. Puerariae | Ge Gen | For nasal congestion and sinusitis due to Lung Heat with Depressed Heat predominant: |
For allergic rhinitis due to Wind-Cold Attacking the Lungs: |
+ 15g Cx. Mori | Sang Bai Pi | |
- Hb. Menthae | Bo He | + 10g Flos Chrysanthemi | Ju Hua |
+ 9g Hb. Agastaches | Huo Xiang | + 15g Rz. Anemarrhenae | Zhi Mu |
+ 3g Hb. Asari | Xi Xin | For allergic rhinitis due to Wind-Cold Attacking the Lungs with sneezing: |
For allergic rhinitis due to Wind-Cold Attacking the Lungs with a runny nose with profuse, clear mucus: |
- Hb. Menthae | Bo He | |
- Hb. Menthae | Bo He | + 9g Hb. Agastaches | Huo Xiang |
+ 9g Hb. Agastaches | Huo Xiang | + 3g Hb. Asari | Xi Xin |
+ 3g Hb. Asari | Xi Xin | + 9g Pheretima | Di Long |
+ 9g Fr. Chebulae | He Zi | + 9g Periostracum Cicadae | Chan Tui |
+ 9g Fr Schisandrae | Wu Wei Zi | For allergic rhinitis due to Wind-Cold Attacking the Lungs with itchy eyes |
For allergic rhinitis due to Wind-Cold Attacking the Lungs with nasal congestion: |
- Hb. Menthae | Bo He | |
- Hb. Menthae | Bo He | + 9g Hb. Agastaches | Huo Xiang |
+ 9g Hb. Agastaches | Huo Xiang | + 3g Hb. Asari | Xi Xin |
+ 3g Hb. Asari | Xi Xin | + 9g Rz. Chuanxiong | Chuan Xiong |
+ 6g Rz. Acori Tatarinowii | Shi Chang Pu | + 9g Hb. Schizonepetae | Jing Jie |
+ 9g Ram. Cinnamomi | Gui Zhi | For allergic rhinitis due to Wind-Cold Attacking the Lungs with enduring nasal congestion with purple-blue nasal mucosa: |
For allergic rhinitis due to Wind-Cold Attacking the Lungs with pronounced Wind-Cold symptoms: |
- Hb. Menthae | Bo He | |
- Hb. Menthae | Bo He | + 9g Hb. Agastaches | Huo Xiang |
+ 9g Hb. Agastaches | Huo Xiang | + 3g Hb. Asari | Xi Xin |
+ 3g Hb. Asari | Xi Xin | + 9g Fr. Liquidamberis | Lu Lu Tong |
+ 9g Hb. Ephedrae | Ma Huang | + 15g Rz. Chuanxiong | Chuan Xiong |
+ 9g Hb. Schizonepetae | Jing Jie | For allergic rhinitis due to Wind-Cold Attacking the Lungs with concurrent severe Qi Deficiency: |
For nasal
congestion: |
- Hb. Menthae | Bo He | |
+ 9g Hb. Agastaches | Huo Xiang | ||
+ 3g Hb. Asari | Xi Xin | ||
or |
+ 15g Rx. Astragali | Huang Qi | |
+ Fr. Arctii | Niu Bang Zi | + 9g Rz. Atractylodis Macrocephalae | Bai Zhu |
For sinusitis due to Wind-Heat Attacking the Lungs with severe Lung Heat and purulent nasal discharge: |
For sinusitis due to Wind-Heat Attacking the Lungs with coughing and profuse Phlegm: |
+ 12g Flos Chrysanthemi | Ju Hua | ||
+ 9g Rx. Scutellariae | Huang Qin | ||
+ 12g Flos Chrysanthemi | Ju Hua | + 15g Fr. Forsythiae | Lian Qiao |
+ 15g Rx. Puerariae | Ge Gen | ||
+ 15g Fr. Forsythiae | Lian Qiao | + 9g Sm. Armeniacae | Xing Ren |
+ 15g Rx. Puerariae | Ge Gen | + 9g Rx. Platycodi | Jie Geng |
+ 15g Hb. Taraxaci | Pu Gong Ying | For sinusitis due to Wind-Heat Attacking the Lungs with a headache at the vertex: |
+ 15g Hb. Patriniae | Bai Jiang Cao | + 12g Flos Chrysanthemi | Ju Hua |
For sinusitis due to Wind-Heat Attacking the Lungs with a frontal headache or Supraorbital bone pain: |
+ 15g Fr. Forsythiae | Lian Qiao | ||
+ 12g Flos Chrysanthemi | Ju Hua | + 15g Rx. Puerariae | Ge Gen |
+ 12g Rx. et Rz. Ligustici | Gao Ben | ||
+ 15g Fr. Forsythiae | Lian Qiao | For sinusitis due to Wind-Heat Attacking the Lungs with pain in the area of the point Tai Yang: |
+ 15g Rx. Puerariae | Ge Gen | ||
+ 12g Fr. Viticis | Man Jing Zi | + 12g Flos Chrysanthemi | Ju Hua |
+ more (125g) Rx. Angelicae Dahuricae |
Bai Zhi | ||
+ 15g Fr. Forsythiae | Lian Qiao | ||
For sinusitis due to Wind-Heat Attacking the Lungs with an occipital headache: |
+ 15g Rx. Puerariae | Ge Gen | |
+ Rx. Bupleuri | Chai Hu | ||
+ 12g Flos Chrysanthemi | Ju Hua | For sinusitis due to Wind-Heat Attacking the Lungs with severe nasal congestion: |
+ 15g Fr. Forsythiae | Lian Qiao | + 12g Flos Chrysanthemi | Ju Hua |
+ 18g Rx. Puerariae | Ge Gen | ||
For sinusitis with damage to Qi and Yin: |
+ 15g Fr. Forsythiae | Lian Qiao | |
+ Magnolia Flower Drink to Clear the Lungs Xin Yi Qing Fei Yin |
+ 18g Rx. Puerariae | Ge Gen | |
+ 18g Hb. Houttuyniae | Yu Xing Cao | ||
- Flos Magnoliae | Xin Yi Hua | + 9g Hb. Agastaches | Huo Xiang |
- Rx. Scutellariae | Huang Qin | For
chronic sinusitis with Liver and Spleen disharmony and profuse, purulent greenish Phlegm: |
+ 18g Rx. Astragali | Huang Qi | ||
For sinusitis with Qi Deficiency: |
+ Warm the Lungs, Stop the Flow Special Pill Wen Fei Zhi Liu Dan |
- Rx. Ginseng | Ren Shen | ||
+ 12g Rx. Codonopsis | Dang Shen | + 9g Rx. Codonopsis | Dang Shen |
+ 12g Rx. Astragali | Huang Qi | + 6g Rx. Acori Tatarinowii | Shi Chang Pu |
For sinusitis with easy contraction of Wind pathogens: |
+ 15g Flos Lonicerae | Jin Yin Hua | ||
+ Warm the Lungs, Stop the Flow Special Pill Wen Fei Zhi Liu Dan |
+ 15g Hb. Houttuyniae | Yu Xing Cao | |
+ 15g Hb. Centipeda | E Bu Shi Cao | ||
+ Jade Windscreen Powder Yu Ping Feng San |
For sinusitis with a headache, heavy-headedness or dizziness: |
For sinusitis with severe nasal congestion: |
+ Warm the Lungs, Stop the Flow Special Pill Wen Fei Zhi Liu Dan |
+ Warm the Lungs, Stop the Flow Special Pill Wen Fei Zhi Liu Dan |
+ 9g Rx. Angelicae Dahuricae | Bai Zhi | ||
+ 9g Rz. Acori Tatarinowii | Shi Chang Pu | ||
+ 9g Rz. Chuanxiong | Chuan Xiong | ||
+ 9g Hb. Agastaches | Huo Xiang | + 9g Rz. Acori Tatarinowii | Shi Chang Pu |
For sinusitis with white nasal discharge alternating with yellow nasal discharge: |
For sinusitis with Blood Stagnation: |
+ Warm the Lungs, Stop the Flow Special Pill Wen Fei Zhi Liu Dan |
+ 9g Cx. Moutan | Mu Dan Pi | |
+ 9g Rx. Paeoniae Rubra | Chi Shao | ||
+ 6g Rx. Scutellariae | Huang Qin | ||
+ 12g Hb. Houttuyniae | Yu Xing Cao |