English: | Abundant Bulge |
Also Known As: | Abundant Splendor Abundant Reservoir Rich and Prosperous Abundance and Prosperity Abundant Protuberance Abundant Flourishing Thunder |
- On the lower leg, midway between the tibiofemoral joint line (level with the popliteal crease) and the lateral malleolus, two finger-breadths lateral to the anterior crest of the tibia, (one finger-breadth lateral to ST-38 Tiaokou)
- Eight cun inferior to ST-35 Dubi and two cun lateral to the anterior crest of the tibia
- Eight cun superior to the tip of the external malleolus, Lateral to ST-38 Tiaokou, about two finger-breadths lateral to the anterior border of the tibia
- On the lower leg, eight cun above the lateral malleolus of the ankle and one cun lateral to ST-38 Tiaokou
- Perpendicular or oblique insertion 1 to 1.5 cun
- Puncture perpendicularly 0.5 to 1 cun
- Moxibustion is applicable
- Straight insertion pointed slightly toward the tibia, 1.5 to 3 cun.
Sensation: distention and soreness extending upward to the thigh and downward to the lateral malleolus
- Luo-Connecting point of the Stomach channel
- Connecting point of the Stomach channel with the Divergent channel of the Spleen
- Regulates the Stomach and Intestines
- Clears Stomach Fire and Heat
- Drains pathogenic influences from the Lungs
- Opens the chest
- Dries Dampness
- Dries Cold-Dampness
- Transforms Dampness, Damp-Heat and Summerheat with Dampness
- Transforms Phlegm, Cold-Phlegm, Phlegm-Heat and Phlegm-Dampness
- Eliminates Phlegm-Fire from the Stomach
- Calms asthma
- Dispels Wind
- Dispels Wind-Phlegm
- Clears Phlegm from the Heart
- Calms the Shen
- Activates the channel
- Alleviates pain
SP-3 |
PC-6 |
Dampness |
Opens and relaxes the chest when it is painful or after bruising of the chest and rib cage (use one point on one side of the body and the other point on the opposite side) |
Insomnia Vertigo |
UB-13 |
GB-40 |
REN-12 |
Cough with abundant Phlegm |
Stabbing pain in the chest |
All Phlegm disease Head Wind Dyspnea and cough All types of Phlegm-Fluid (Tan Yin) |
DU-18 |
Vomiting Phlegm and watery saliva Ceaseless dizziness |
Headache that is difficult to endure |
Head Wind and dizziness |
ST-42 |
REN-22 |
Facial swelling |
Mania disorder with rash behavior, desires to ascend to high places and sing and discards clothing and runs around |
Loss of voice |
- This is the most important point to resolve Phlegm in all of its manifestations and in all areas of the body. It eliminates visible and invisible Phlegm.
- This is also considered the pre-eminent point to treat chest pain.
- This point brings up general energy.
- If the patient has no reserves, nothing to call upon, stimulate this point with moxa.
- This is the best point for spasms and paralysis, especially in the lower extremities.
- This point resonates like thunder.
- this point joins with all of the Yang channels in the head region.
- The Stomach Lou-connecting channel ends in the throat.