English: | Man's Middle |
Also Known As: | Middle of Man Middle of Person Philtrum Shuigou Water Palace Guigong Ghost Palace |
- On the philtrum, about one-third the distance from the base of the nose to the top of the lip.
- At the junction of the upper third and middle third of the philtrum.
- Above the upper lip on the midline, at the junction of the upper third and lower two-thirds of the philtrum.
- Transverse insertion directed upward, 0.5 to 1 cun. Sensation: local pain and possibly distention
- For Excessive salivation: first insert the needle upward to the septum of the nose, then withdraw slightly , keeping the needle under the skin and direct first toward one nostril and then the other. Sensation: local distention and pain.
- Puncture obliquely upward 0.3 to 0.5 cun.
- Intersecting point of the Stomach and Large Intestine channels on the DU channel.
- Sun Si-miao Ghost Point
- Revives consciousness
- Calms the Shen
- Clears the brain
- Clears the senses
- Clears Heat
- Benefits the face and nose
- Dispels Wind and Wind-Phlegm
- Restores collapsed Yang
- Regulates the DU channel
- Strengthens the back
- Benefits the lumbar spine
- Treats acute lumbar spasm
- Relaxes the sinews
- Alleviates pain
- Clears the nose
- Eliminates Internal Wind
REN-1 |
Septic shock |
Revival from drowning |
Hysteria |
UB-40 |
PC-9 If ineffective |
Lower back sprain Pain in the lumbar spine |
Heat exhaustion |
Loss of consciousness from Windstroke |
DU-21 |
ST-36 |
LI-4 |
Deficient floating facial edema |
Dizziness following needle shock |
Loss of consciousness from Summerheat stroke |
DU-20 |
DU-28 |
Tendency to excessive crying |
Frequent laughter |
Madness |
PC-5 |
SJ-16 |
ST-6 |
Epilepsy |
Nasal discharge with inability to distinguish fragrant from foul |
Deviation of the mouth and eye |
ST-6 |
Afterward UB-60 |
Lockjaw following Windstroke |
Pain of the lumbar region and lateral costal region due to sprain |
- This point is used to promote resuscitation when the person is unconsciousness.
- This is the first of the thirteen Ghost Points listed by Sun Si-miao for treatment of psychosis and epilepsy.
- Man lies between Heaven and Earth. This point is considered to establish the connection between the two.