Clinical Manifestations
- Anxiety
- Panic attacks
- Easily startled or frightened
- Irritability
- Restlessness
- Palpitations
- Fatigue
- Insomnia often waking to anxiety or panic
- Very restless sleep
- Nightmares
- Inability to think or concentrate even for short periods
- Nocturnal emissions
- Forgetfulness
- Dry stools
- Dry mouth and throat
- Mouth sores
- Tongue sores
- Low grade afternoon fever
- Dream disturbed sleep
- Dizziness
- Light-headedness
- Night sweats
- Five Sole Heat
- Tinnitus
- Constipation
- Low back pain
- T: Red
- C: Little
- P: Rapid or Thready and rapid
Treatment Principle |
- Enrich the Yin
- Nourish the Blood
- TonifY the Heart
- Calm the Shen
- Clear Heat
Herb Formulas |
Points |
- HT-7, KI-3, PC-6, PC-7, UB-15, UB-23
- HT-7, SP-6, Yintang, DU-20, KI-1, KI-16
- DU-19, DU-24, HT-7, KI-3, PC-7, REN-14, UB-15, Yintang
- Anmian, HT-7, KI-3, LIV-3, PC-7, PC-8, SP-6, UB-14, UB-15, UB-23
With dizziness: + DU-20
With tinnitus: + SI-19, SJ-3
With arrhythmia: + HT-5
- Ear: Shenmen, Kidney, Heart, Subcortex, Sympathetic