Clinical Manifestations
- Epistaxis, usually a small amount of Blood (initial stage)
- Nasal obstruction (early stage)
- Tumor in the nose
- Masses of the neck
- Migraines
- Vernet's syndrome
- Disappearance of the mouth opening
- Choking sensation while drinking
- Hoarseness
- Blindness
- Usually asymptomatic at the early stage
- The tumor may appear as a Cauliflower-like nodule or ulceration
on the nasopharynx or as membrane erosion of abnormal color
- If the tumor infiltrates to the submucosal layer, the surface
of the membrane will be smooth and the nasopharynx will be
- Cranial nerve involvement is reflected by:
Paralysis of the eyeball
Facial hypothesia or hypoalgesia
Difficulty opening the mouth
Inclination of the tongue when it protrudes
- Paralysis of the soft palate
Disappearance of the gullet response
- Exophthalmos
- Dysphagia
- Platoplegia
- Asymmetry of the palate
- Severe, splitting headaches with dizziness
- Sudden tinnitus or deafness
- Flushed face
- Red, swollen, painful eyes
- Irascibility with violent angry outbursts
- Dry mouth
- Bitter taste in mouth
- Thirst
- Vomiting sour or bitter liquid
- Insomnia
- Restlessness
- Constipation or dry stools
- Maybe rib pain
- In severe cases (due to Liver Fire damaging the Luo
Bleeding of Excess Heat type:
· Hemoptysis
· Hematemesis
· Epistaxis
- T: Red tip and edges
- C: Thick, yellow, dry and rough
- P: Wiry, Excess and rapid