- Depression
- Melancholy
- Anxiety
- Obsession
- Irritability
- Pain that is fixed, stabbing and/or severe or
- Pains that move around
- Distention
- Pan is worse with pressure
- Dark complexion
- Fixed, palpable masses
- Bleeding with clots
- Sore throat
- Constipation
- Dry stools
- Mania
- Shortness of breath
- Dyspnea
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Chest and/or epigastric fullness
- Pain in the ribs
- Distention and pain in the sides or flanks
- Suffocating sensation in the chest
- Tendency to sigh
- Inappropriate anger
- Irregular menses
- Breast distention and pain before and during menses
- Epigastric fullness, distention and pain with dislike
of pressure
- Belching with rotten food smell
- Acid regurgitation
- Detests food or
- Vomits after eating
- Distention is reduced after vomiting
- Unformed stools or
- Knotted constipation
- Purple lips
- Purple nails
- Dry skin
- Blue, dark or purplish discoloration of skin in small or large areas
- Varicose and spider veins
- Cold hands and feet
- Tendency to hemorrhage dark blood or clots
- T: Pink or Purple, possible purple or red spots or Thick
- C: White or Greasy and white or Greasy and yellow
- P:Wiry or Choppy or Wiry and choppy or Slippery