Clinical Manifestations
- Swollen, tender sinuses
- Nasal congestion (sneezing, runny nose) and post nasal
drip that persists for more then two weeks
- Itchy eyes, nose and throat
- Headache, pain, tenderness, swelling and pressure around
the forehead, cheeks, nose and between eyes
- Behavioral changes including irritability, inability
to focus, fatigue
- Sleep problems such as insomnia, bed-wetting, sleepwalking
- Reduced sense of smell and taste
- Severe, dry hacking cough
may be:
- No sputum expectorated
- Small amounts of difficult to expectorate sputum
- Blood tinged sputum (when Yin Deficiency Fire
is present)
- Afternoon fever
- Night sweats
- Malar flush (especially in afternoon)
- Five sole heat
- Dry mouth and throat
- Itching in throat
- Hoarse voice, low voice or loss of voice
- Emaciation
- T: Red and dry
- C: None
- P: Thready and rapid
Treatment Principle |
- Nourish Yin
- Moisten the Lungs
- Unblock the nose
Herb Formulas |
Points |
- UB-7, UB-3, DU-24, Yintang, LI-20 through
to Bitong, LI-4, LU-7, GB-20
For severe sinus congestion: UB-2
For sore throat: PC-6, ST-9
Points to nourish Lung Yin: UB-13, UB-17, UB-43, LU-1, LU-9, LU-7 + KI-6, LU-6, LU-5, LU-10, ST-36
Points to reinforce Kidney Yin and Subdue Yin Deficiency
Fire: KI-3, KI-6, UB-23