- Wheezing
- Dyspnea
- Dyspnea with inability to lie down
- Cough
- Asthma
- Pain in the lateral costal region and back
- Pain of the back and shoulders
- Pain of the shoulder with inability to raise the arm
- Pain of the supraclavicular fossa
- Chest painful or depressed
- Perifocal inflammation of the shoulder joint
- General cardiac disease
- Exogenous Cold invasion
- Shortness of breath
- Oppressive and agitated sensation of the chest
- Heat in the chest
- Oppression and pain of the chest
- Upsurging of Qi to the Heart and abdomen
- Interrupted pulse which cannot be felt at the cun position
- Throat Bi
- Goiter
- Injury by Cold giving rise to persistent Heat in the limbs
- Eye problems
- Intermittent choking or oppression
- Nervousness