English: | White Crevice |
Also Known As: | Tip of the Nose |
- On the midline at the tip of the nose.
- At the center of the tip of the nose.
- Perpendicular insertion 0.2 to 0.3 cun.
- Transverse insertion directed superiorly 0.5 to 1 cun. Sensation: soreness and numbness extending throughout the nose.
- Prick to bleed.
- Benefits the nose
- Raises the Yang
- Restores Qi
- Clears the senses
- Drains Heat
- Contraindicated for moxibustion.
- Recently, this point has been found to reduce alcohol intoxication by redirecting the route of elimination from the Liver to the Lungs, thereby increasing the volume of alcohol present in the expired air.
- This point has been shown to be very effective in restoring consciousness,