Pharmaceutical Latin: | Semen Ginkgo |
Common English: | Ginkgo Nut |
Taste | Temperature | Entering Meridians | Dosage |
Sweet Bitter Astringent |
Neutral Slightly Toxic |
Kidney Lung (Heart) |
3-10g Tincture: 2-4ml |
Actions | Indications/Syndromes |
Astringes the Lungs, expels Phlegm and stops wheezing |
Phlegm in the Lungs with wheezing and coughing (especially useful for chronic coughs or those with copious Phlegm) Lung Heat asthma |
Stabilizes the Lower Jiao, eliminates Dampness, stops discharge and astringes the urine |
Lower Jiao Deficiency with vaginal discharge and turbid urine (used for both Deficiency and Damp-Heat) |
Hb. Ephedrae |
Coughing and wheezing with excessive yellow sputum due to Lung Deficiency with Hot Phlegm. |
Chronic cough with Lung Deficiency. |
Vaginal discharge due to Spleen Deficiency with Dampness. |
Cx. Phellodendri |
Ootheca Mantidis |
Damp-Heat induced, yellow vaginal discharge with a foul odor. |
Thin, watery vaginal discharge due to Lower Jiao Deficiency. |
Urinary frequency and incontinence. |
Hb. Ephedrae |
Hb. Ephedrae |
Cx. Mori |
Calms wheezing. |
Asthma, dyspnea or coughing. |
Chronic coughing with loss of voice. |
Gecko |
Rx. Scutellariae |
Rx. Glehniae/Adenophorae |
Chronic wheezing due to Kidney and Lung Qi Deficiency. |
Accelerated respiration with yellow Phlegm. |
Feeble, dry cough. |
Cx. Mori |
Rx. Dioscoreae |
Fol. Celosiae |
Chronic loss of voice with Dryness. |
Spermatorrhea. |
White vaginal discharge due to Kidney Deficiency. |
Rx. Dioscoreae Hypoglaucae |
Rx. Linderae |
Cloudy urine. Frequent urination |
Frequent urination. Enuresis |
- Some sources say that this herb stops bleeding.
- Symptoms of overdose include headache, fever, tremors, irritability and dyspnea.
- The antidote is 60 gm Rx. Glycyrrhizae Gan Cao or 30 gm of boiled Ginkgo shells.
- Include the hard shells and thin linings of the seeds to prevent side effects.
- Overdoses can lead to skin disorders and in serious cases, shedding of the mucous membranes.
- It is used when there is a large amount of sputum and especially when there is Lung weakness.
- Ginkgo seeds are used as food but are slightly toxic and can adversely affect children if used too much.
- When used for coughs and wheezing, it is most suitable for patterns that tend toward Heat.
- The Gingko tree is the oldest species of tree in existence.
- It is also called silver apricot.
- Both Bai Guo and Fr. Schisandrae Wu Wei Zi astringe the Lungs to treat cough and wheezing and treat lower burner pathology. Bai Guo primarily restrains the Lungs to stop wheezing and is most appropriate for wheezing due to Lung Heat with profuse Phlegm. It treats turbid vaginal discharge primarily due to Dampness. Wu Wei Zi primarily astringes the Lungs to stop coughs but it is warmer and thus better suited to chronic coughs due to Lung Deficiency or cough and wheezing due to Lung Cold with profuse Phlegm. It astringes the Lower Jiao and enriches Kidney water and is mainly used for enuresis, urinary frequency, spermatorrhea and diarrhea. It also generates Fluids and restrains the Heart Qi to treat injury to the Qi and Yin leading to insatiable thirst, excessive sweating, irritability and insomnia.
- Dry-fried Gingko Chao Bai Guo is less toxic and a stronger astringent to settle wheezing, astringe urine and stop vaginal discharge.
- Gingko Leaf (Folium Gingko) Bai Guo Ye or Yin Xing Ye is sweet, bitter, astringent and neutral. It enters the Lung channel and preserves the Lungs and calm wheezing while invigorating the Blood and stopping pain. It treats cough from Lung Deficiency, a stifling sensation in the chest and chest pain. The dosage is 3-6g. Powdered and made into cakes, they stop dysenteric disorder. It also treats peripheral, cerebral and coronary vascular disorders. It also helps varicose veins. It tonifies Kidney Jing to treat mental focus, poor memory dizziness and depression associated with premature senility. It prevents premature aging and damage by environmental toxins.