- Peritoneal tuberculosis, a form of abdominal tuberculosis, occurs in three forms: 1. the wet type with ascites, 2. the dry type with adhesions, and the fibrotic type with omental thickening and loculated ascites.
Clinically, peritoneal tuberculosis is characterized by fever, abdominal pain, anorexia, weight loss, and ascites. However, none of these symptoms is specific for the disease, so it is commonly misdiagnosed, especially as carcinomatous peritonitis in the elderly. Early diagnosis is of major importance in the control of the disease. Chest X-rays show evidence of concomitant pulmonary lesions in less than 25 per cent of cases. Laparoscopy with direct biopsy is an excellent diagnostic method and must be considered for every patient with unexplained ascites. A definitive diagnosis requires identification of bacilli in ascitic fluid or peritoneum tissue. However, acidfast staining is usually negative and cultures are positive in 30-40% of cases, making bacteriological confirmation of the disease very difficult. Recently, advances in molecular techniques have provided a new approach to the rapid diagnosis of tuberculosis by nucleic acid probes and polymerase chain reaction.