Pharmaceutical Latin: | Radix Aconiti Lateralis Preparata |
Common English: | Prepared Aconite Prepared Sichuan Aconite Root |
Taste | Temperature | Entering Meridians | Dosage |
Acrid |
(Very) Hot Toxic |
Heart Kidney Spleen |
1.5-15g Tincture: 2-4ml For shock and coma, up to 20g or 8ml may be used |
Actions | Indications/Syndromes |
Restores Devastated Yang and rescues from rebellion |
Devastated Yang with diarrhea containing undigested food, chills, cold extremities and a faint almost imperceptible pulse (often as a result of severe vomiting, diarrhea or sweating) |
Warms Ming Men Fire and assists Heart, Kidney and Spleen Yang |
Heart Yang Deficiency Spleen Yang Deficiency Kidney Yang Deficiency |
Disperses Cold and Dampness, warms the channels and stops pain |
Wind-Damp-Cold Bi Cold blocking the organs, channels, bones and Blood vessels Yin flat abscesses |
Rz. Zingiberis |
Rx. Ginseng |
Counteracts the Internal consequences of an External Wind-Cold attack. Overabundance of Yin fluids due to Deficiency Cold. Cold-Damp Bi. Warms the Spleen and Kidneys, benefits Yang and disperses Cold. Reduces the toxicity of Zhi Fu Zi (even better with Gan Cao). |
Strengthens its actions of fortifying Qi and benefiting the Yang for Cold extremities and diarrhea with undigested food due to Collapse of the Spleen and Kidney Yang. |
Severe Deficiency of Source Qi and Collapse of Yang with cold extremities, sweating, weak breathing, dizziness and an extremely pale complexion. |
Cx. Cinnamomi |
Rz. Atractylodis Macrocephalae
Kidney Yang Deficiency with waning of Ming Men Fire with aversion to Cold, weak and sore back and legs, impotence and urinary frequency. |
Spleen Yang Deficiency with a cold, painful abdomen, vomiting and watery diarrhea. Wind-Damp Bi. |
Kidney and Spleen Yang Deficiency with retention of pathogenic water with abdominal pain, which is worse with Cold, urinary difficulty, and deep aching and heaviness in the extremities. |
Rx. Astragali |
Internal ascendance of Yin Cold leading to lack of arousal of Spleen Yang with abdominal pain, Cold, and watery diarrhea. |
Weak Heart Yang with palpitations, shortness of breath and chest pain. |
Spontaneous sweat and chills due to Yang Deficiency. |
Cx. Cinnamomi |
Hb. Asari |
Wind-Cold Attack with preexisting Yang Deficiency. |
Powerfully tonifies Kidney Yang, for Kidney Yang Deficiency with lower back pain and weakness in the legs and knees. Deficiency of Ming Men Fire with impotence or infertility. Overabundant Yin leading Yang to float outward. (separation of Yin and Yang) Damp-Cold Bi in the channels with generalized aches and pains and difficulty rotating the trunk. Leads Fire back to its source for Kidney Yin Deficiency with Fire Blazing Up-ward (small dose of each, 1-2g, combined with Yin tonics. |
Disperses Cold and stops pain. Cold damage both Internal and External with aversion to Cold, headache and generalized body aches with aching joints. Wind-Damp-Cold Bi with spasms of the joints and intolerable pain. |
Per. Zanthoxyli |
Poria |
Cornu Cervi |
Strengthens the warming effect on the Spleen for Spleen Yang Deficiency with Cold-Dampness leading to Cold pain in the epigastrium, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Kidney Yang Deficiency with Deficiency of Ming Men Fire allowing Cold-Damp to accumulate in the Lower Jiao leading to urinary frequency, cold sweats or spermatorrhea. |
Lower body edema and dysuria. |
Infertility. |
Sm. Cuscutae |
Rx. Ginseng |
Ram. Cinnamomi |
Impotence. |
Spleen Yang Deficiency. |
Cold-Damp Bi. |
Rz. Zingiberis
Rx. Ginseng |
Rz. et Rx. Notopterygii |
Heart Yang collapse with vomiting, a fading pulse, icy extremities and profuse perspiration. |
As a decoction administered through the nose for shock. |
Joint and muscle pain, numbness and difficulty of movement. |
Rx. Angelicae Sinensis |
Menstrual pain caused by Cold. |
Yin sores. |
- This herb is widely used, especially when the pattern involves interior Cold due to Yang Deficiency.
- Devastated Yang often occurs after vomiting, diarrhea or sweating.
- This herb is injected for shock or heart failure.
- This herb is critical in these situations since it both assists Heart Yang to unblock the vessels and improves circulation and tonifies the Kidney Yang to augment Fire and avoid loss of the source Yang.
- This herb has a downward nature and is able to dispel pathogenic factors between the Exterior and Interior.
- One major source says that this herb has six functions: 1: remove Cold; 2: relieve epigastric mass; 3: warm and nourish the viscera; 4: heal diverse Wind conditions; 5: alleviate Qi Stagnation; 6: stop abdominal pain due to Cold.
- This herb is said to cure carbuncles and pyogenic infections.
- To treat polyps, soak 5 pieces in wine for three days and use the liquid to wash the polyp three to four times a day.
- This herb inhibits the growth of live and proliferative Stomach cancer cells.
- It has been shown to be effective in treating Stomach, esophageal, Liver, Colon and rectal cancers.
- In its unprocessed form, this herb is very toxic. A toxic dose is usually far above normal levels (around 15-60 gm.). Atropine and lydocaine are effective in treating overdoses.
- The toxicity of this herb has been a major concern for as long as it has been used. It is usually prepared with salt, brown sugar, or bleached with water or sulfur to reduce its toxicity. One method of processing leaves the herb black called “black aconite” Hei Fu Zi, which focuses the action on the Kidneys. Another method of processing leaves the herb white called “white aconite” Bai Fu Zi, used for treating Bi pain. When the full force of this herb is required (emergency situations or topically), the untreated “fresh” form is used Sheng Fu Zi. Today, this form is rarely used.
- Cornu Rhinoceri Xi Jiao, Sm. Phaseoli Lu Dou, and Flos Lonicerae Jin Yin Hua are used to reduce the toxicity of this herb.
- Signs of toxic overdose include drooling, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, light-headedness, blurred vision, and numbness in the mouth and extremities. Advanced cases may show premature atrial contractions, dyspnea, tremors, incontinence, stupor, and reduced temperature and blood pressure.
- The main root is Wu Tou discussed under analgesics, the branch root is Fu Zi, if there is no branch root, just the sole root, it called Tian Xiong, which is milder than Fu Zi.
- Fu Zi circulates in the 12 meridians and rescues Yang Qi which has been lost. It will lead the medicine to the blood vessels which may nourish the Blood.
- Upward, it nurtures the Heart, in the middle it nurtures the Stomach, and downward in strengthens the Kidney Yang.
- Aconite is said to “waken the Yang,” activating the metabolism, producing Heat, removing stagnant water, tonifying the cardiac muscle and strengthening the Urinary Bladder.
- Some people take the hot aspect of Fu Zi too seriously, Its effects will depend on the construction of the formula. Generally it is combined with other moisture moving herbs and thus the formula will have a heating effect. If the patient feels too hot afterwards, remove the Fu Zi.
- The raw Fu Zi is quite toxic, although cooking it for a couple of hours makes it suitable for use. The processed Fu Zi is often listed as toxic but it is quite low in toxicity. Nonetheless, it is contraindicated in pregnancy and the daily dose should not exceed 10 gm. per day in strong individuals. Only processed Fu Zi should be used internally.
- This herb and Rz. Zingiberis Gan Jiang treat Devastated Yang. This herb warms and tonifies Kidney and Spleen Yang, with less localized, more immediate effects, while Gan Jiang is more for the treatment of Spleen and Stomach Deficiency Cold, and has a relatively long lasting effect.
- This herb and Cx. Cinnamomi Cassiae Rou Gui warm and tonify the Ming Men Fire and treat Yang Deficiency Cold of the Lower Jiao, however this herb is stronger.
- Radix Aconiti Preparata Zhi Chuan Wu is similar to Zhi Fu Zi but Fu Zi is best for treating Cold and can be used with tonifying herbs while Chuan Wu is best for treating Wind and its drying nature is excessive and not appropriate to use with tonics. Radix Aconiti Kusnezoffii Preparata Zhi Cao Wu is collected in the wild and treats severe Wind and stubborn Bi.
- Both Zhi Fu Zi and Cx. Cinnamomi Rou Gui are acrid, warm and move into the Lower Jiao to tonify Kidney Yang, augment Ming Men Fire, disperse Cold and treat Cold-Damp Bi. Fu Zi enters all twelve channels and assists the Du channel. It is used in cases of Devastated Yang. Rou Gui concentrates on the Heart, Spleen, Liver and Kidney channels and is not used in cases of Devastated Yang.
- Zhi Fu Zi, Cervi Cornu Pantotrichum Lu Rong and Cx. Cinnamomi Rou Gui all warm the Kidneys and fortify Yang. Zhi Fu Zi and Rou Gui are both acrid, harsh, hot and drying with a strong, rapid effect of warming the Interior, expelling Cold, and assist in tonifying Yang. Lu Rong is sweet, warm, soft and moistening with a gradual effect that tonifies Yang while moistening Jing and Blood. They all treat Kidney Yang Deficiency, however Fu Zi and Rou Gui are only suitable for Kidney Yang Deficiency with Excess Internal Cold and are inappropriate if Jing or Blood is deficient. Lu Rong is not suited for expelling Internal Cold, but is most appropriate for Yang Deficiency with Jing, Blood and marrow insufficiency.
- Baked Aconite Accessory Root Bao Fu Zi is slightly less toxic and primarily warms the Spleen and Kidneys. It is used for Cold pain in the epigastrium and abdomen, nausea and diarrhea due to Deficiency Cold.
- Bland Aconite Accessory Root Dan Fu Zi no longer numbs the tongue, is much less toxic and is the standard form for rescuing Yang, dispersing Cold, warming and unblocking the channels and collaterals and tonifying Ming Men Fire. Safe dosage is 3-15g.