Pharmaceutical Latin: | Semen Lepidii/Descurainiae |
Common English: | Tingli Seed Descurainia Seed Lepidium Seed Wood Whitlow Grass Seed |
Taste | Temperature | Entering Meridians | Dosage |
Acrid Bitter |
Very Cold (Cold) |
Lung Bladder (Large Intestine) |
3-10g Tincture: 1-3ml |
Actions | Indications/Syndromes |
Drains the Lungs, reduces Phlegm and calms wheezing |
Phlegm accumulation or Lung Heat with wheezing or cough with copious sputum and a gurgling sound in the throat |
Circulates water and reduces edema |
Lung and Bladder Qi Obstruction with facial edema, eye swelling or fluid accumulation in the chest or abdomen with urinary difficulty |
Fr. Jujube |
Rx. Stephaniae Tetrandrae |
Coughing with excessive sputum, wheezing, and chest fullness and pain due to Phlegm preventing the descent of Lung Qi. Facial edema and a sonorous blocked nose. Do not use long term. |
Facial edema and fluid accumulation in the chest and abdomen. |
Hardness, fullness, and chest pain due to accumulation. |
Fr. Perillae |
Sm. Coicis |
Congestive Heart failure. |
Accumulation of Phlegm and thin mucus leading to Lung Qi constraint and blockage with coughing and wheezing which is worse when lying down, edema of the tissues of the face and head, stifling fullness and discomfort in the chest, and a reduction in the flow of urine. Do not use lightly, for mild disorders or for everyday use. Cease using once the desired effect is achieved. |
Lung Abscess. |
Rx. Stephaniae Tetrandrae |
Rx. Lateralis Aconiti Preparata |
Dysuria. |
Congestive Heart failure with edema. |
- Some sources say that this herb has a laxative function.
- This is used for Excess conditions. Do not use for Deficiency conditions.
- It reduces food or water Accumulation.
- It is good for coughs with copious, thick sputum.
- It treats ascites.
- This herb drains Heat in the Bladder.
- It treats edema with an inability to lie down and initial-stage pulmonary abscess.
- This herb has recently been used to treat congestive Heart failure with dyspnea and edema because of its strong cardiotonic function, however it needs to be combined with tonic herbs to prevent side effects.
- It has been shown to be one of the most effective herbs to treat acute asthma, because of its ability to immediately eliminate visible and invisible Phlegm.
- Both Ting Li Zi and Hb. Ephedrae Ma Huang calm wheezing and open the Lungs to facilitate the flow of fluids and reduce edema. Ting Li Zi is Cold, bitter, and powerfully drains and mobilizes water in the Lungs. It is best for Excess Phlegm and thin mucus leading to cough and wheezing with edema in the chest and abdomen. Ma Huang is acrid, slightly bitter and warm . It opens and disseminates the Lung Qi to disperse Wind-Cold. It is best for Wind-Cold obstructing the Lungs with cough and wheezing or Lung Qi failing to mobilize the Fluids with edema (Wind-Water).
- Both Ting Li Zi and Cx. Mori Sang Bai Pi drain the Lungs and facilitate the movement of Fluids in order to calm wheezing and dispel edema and swelling. They can be used together for swelling of the face and eyes with urinary difficulty and for wheezing from water and thin mucus retained in the Lungs. Sang Bai Pi is better for draining Lung Heat and is used when there is yellow Phlegm. Ting Li Zi drains the Lungs and facilitates the transformation of watery Phlegm. It is used more for wheezing and swelling due to excessive accumulation of water and Phlegm.
- Sweet (Tian) Ting Li Zi is bland, moderate in draining and is stronger at draining the Lungs and calming wheezing. It does not injure the Stomach and is preferred for that reason. it is used as a stand-alone herb for Lung abscess with coughing up pus and Blood and wheezing that is worse when lying flat.
- Bitter (Ku) Ting Li Zi has a more rapid draining action. It is specified for draining out thin mucus, mobilizing pathogenic water and draining the Lungs, but it easily injures Stomach Qi and should be carefully monitored. It is used for edema or ascites in the chest and abdomen.
- Dry-fried (Chao) Ting Li Zi Is less cold and is less likely to injure Stomach Qi.
- Prepared (Zhi) Ting Li Zi has a slightly reduced Lung-draining action, but is able to moisten the Lungs.