Pharmaceutical Latin: | Pumex |
Common English: | Pumice
Pumus |
Taste | Temperature | Entering Meridians | Dosage |
Salty |
Cold |
Lung |
6-15g |
Actions | Indications/Syndromes |
Clears Heat from the Lungs and transforms Phlegm |
Heat Accumulation in the Lungs with viscous, difficult-to-expectorate sputum or hemoptysis Usually used for long-term disorders |
Softens hardness and dissipates Phlegm nodules |
Scrofula and similar disorders caused by Phlegm-Fire |
Promotes urination and unblocks the upper source for water (Lungs) |
Hot, stony painful urinary dysfunction (Stone Lin) Dysuria |
Arisaema cum Bile |
Concha Ostreae |
Cough and wheezing due to Phlegm-Heat with difficult-to-expectorate yellow sputum which is so viscous that it comes out in clumps. |
Chronic cough from Lung Heat with blood-streaked sputum. |
Scrofula and goiter from Phlegm-Heat. |
Caulis Akebiae |
Rx. Glycyrrhizae or Rx. Glycyrrhizae |
Fr. Trichosanthis |
Bloody or stony painful urinary dysfunction. |
Stony painful urinary dysfunction. |
Cools the Lungs and transforms Phlegm-Heat to treat Phlegm stifling the chest which is difficult to expectorate. |
Fr. Forsythiae |
Scrofula and goiter. |
- This is a mineral produced by volcanic eruptions.
- Both Fu Shi and Fr. Trichosanthis Gua Lou cool the Lungs and transform Phlegm-Heat to treat Phlegm stifling the chest which is difficult to expectorate. Fu Shi is cold and salty and mainly dissolves old Phlegm accumulations and nodules and treats Bloody Lin. Gua Lou is sweet and cold, moistens and descends rebellious Qi to ease discomfort in the chest and guides Phlegm-Heat downward.
- Both Fu Shi Concha Meretricis/Cyclinae Ge Qiao and are salty, cold, clear the Lungs, transform viscous Phlegm and soften areas of hardness. Both are used for cough with Phlegm that is difficult to expectorate due to Phlegm-Heat, scrofula and urinary difficulty. Ge Qiao is heavy and descends Qi. It acts to reduce abdominal masses and eliminate Blood Stagnation. Fu Shi is light and tends to ascend into the Lung channel and Upper Jiao.
- Both Fu Shi and Flos Inulae Xuan Fu Hua are salty and thus able to soften hardened Phlegm. They are often combined to treat clumped viscous sputum that is difficult to expectorate. Xuan Fu Hua is warm, bitter and acrid to guide Qi downward in the treatment of cough, wheezing and nausea. Fu Shi is cold and better for hot viscous Phlegm or Lung Heat injuring the collaterals leading to hemoptysis.
- Calcined Pumex Duan Fu Shi is somewhat astringent to restrain and inhibit.