Clinical Manifestations
- Postpartum urinary difficulty, retention or incontinence
- Lumbago: low back feels cold, weak and aching
- Feeling chilled
- Aversion to Cold
- Cold limbs
- General debility
- Pale face
- Urinary frequency with abundant, clear urine or
- Oliguria with edema
- Maybe nocturia
- Lassitude
- Withdrawn, subdued behavior
- Knees feel cold and aching
- Dizziness
- Tinnitus
- Impotence, spermatorrhea, premature ejaculation
- Low libido
- Female infertility ("uterus cold and infertile")
- Maybe anorexia
- Maybe loose stools
- Maybe chronic diarrhea or "cock crow" diarrhea
- T: Pale and swollen
- C: Thin and white
- P: Deep and thready - maybe slow