Clinical Manifestations
- Acute stage:
swelling and obvious tenderness in the superficial
veins along the limbs or the thoracoepigastric walls
In the affected areas, there is redness, swelling,
pain, tenderness and cord-like masses
T: Normal
C: Yellow and greasy
P: Soft and rapid or Taut and rapid
- Chronic Stage:
The local skin of the affected area is dark purple in
There are some hard cord-like subcutaneous swollen masses
which are not painful when they are pressed.
T: Some echymoses
P: Soft and slow pulse
- Deep Phlebitis:
1. Pain in the affected limbs made more severe by movements
and walking and often accompanied with fever
2. Swelling may occur in the affected limbs and tenderness
will appear in the affected parts
3. When the dorsum pedis of the affected leg bends, is
will cause an ache in the muscles of the shank (i.e.
positive Hoffmann's sign)
The temperature of the sick limbs may change, a little
higher than normal or the limbs may even be cold
locally for a short time
Thrombotic Phlebitis of the Shank:
There is a pain and a tenderness in the gastrocnemius
muscle of the shank. A
Swelling may occur in the dorsum pedis and the ankle.
Hoffmann's' sign is positive
Femoral Thrombophlebitis:
Pyrexia and tenderness at the medial part of the thigh,
popliteal fossa and shank
The shank and ankle may be slightly hydropic
Thrombotic Phlebitis of the Iliofemoral Vein:
Its o
Onset is sudden and acute with fever (not exceeding 39¡æ.)
Pain and obvious swelling in the affected leg
The skin of the affected parts appears pale
In serious cases it is livid in color
Obvious tenderness in the medial aspect of the thigh
The superficial veins in the proximal part of the thigh
and the lower abdominal wall often dilate
- Late Stage:
The patient feels tired and fatigued
Swelling, heavy sensation and distending pain at the
affected parts
The pain will be mild in the morning and serious in the
Ache at the waist
A aversion to Cold
T: Pale
C: Thin and
P: Deep and slow