Nodular vasculitis mainly affects women aged 30 to
60. Men are less often affected. The nodules or lumps
are usually found on the backs of the lower legs but
they may also occur on the thighs and arms. One or
both legs may be involved. Lesions range in size from
small bumps to large plaques. They may be more easily
seen than felt.
Other features include:
- Aching legs
- Red-purple discoloration
- Cool skin
- Varicose veins.
Evolution of the nodules is usually slow although
in some there can be acute inflammation or ulceration.
Ulcers usually persist for several weeks then heal.
Most nodules heal slowly with little atrophy or scarring.
If superficial, they give the impression of being tethered
to the skin and may leave a depression that takes several
months to fill.
Nodules may continue to erupt at irregular intervals
over months or years.