- Epilepsy
- Childhood fright-Wind
- Toothache
- Loss of consciousness
- Lumbar pain
- Painful obstruction of the lower limb
- Childhood convulsions
- Lower back and leg pain and swelling
- Pain on the lateral aspect of the foot and ankle
- Frequent, burning urination
- Deafness
- headache
- Mania
- Pain of the external malleolus
- Pain of the bottom of the foot
- Knee pain
- Sudden and violent Shan disorder
- Sudden turmoil disorder with cramps
- Malaria
- Shivering with inability to stand for long
- White tiger joint Wind*
- Pain of the external malleolus
- Seizures
- Frontal headache
- Abdominal tension and cramps
- Tinnitus (sounds of water)
- Fear of drowning
- Vomiting
- Backache
- Motor impairment and pain of the lower extremities