English: | Clear Fire and Secure the Kidney Pills |
Also Known As: |
Pharmaceutical Latin |
Pin Yin |
Dosage |
Actions |
Rx. Gentianae | Long Dan Cao | 6g | Drains Shi Heat from the Liver/Gallbladder, drains Liver Fire and eliminates Damp-Heat from Lower Jiao. With Chai Hu and Huang Qin, for Liver/ Gallbladder Damp-Heat. With Chai Hu, Huang Qin and Mu Tong, for Liver Fire or Liver and Gall Bladder Damp-Heat with eye redness, swelling and pain; stabbing pain in the chest; deafness; bitter taste in the mouth; testicular swelling and pain; and short, dark, or turbid painful urination. |
Fr. Gardeniae | Zhi Zi | 6g | Clears Heat, eliminates irritability and drains Damp-Heat. With Huang Qin, drains Fire and eliminates Dampness. |
Rx. Scutellariae | Huang Qin | 6g | Drains Fire, dries Dampness and calms ascending Liver Yang. With Zhi Zi, drains Fire and eliminates Dampness. With Mu Tong and Sheng Di Huang, for Lower Jiao Damp-Heat with painful, difficult urination. |
Rx. Bupleuri | Chai Hu | 6g | Disperses Heat due to Liver/Gallbladder Qi Stagnation and focuses the actions of the formula on Liver/Gallbladder. (Omitted in some versions). With Huang Qin, clears Shao Yang Heat. With Gan Cao, for hepatitis and upper right quadrant pain. With Long Dan Cao and Zhi Zi, for Excess Heat in the Liver and/or Gallbladder channels. |
Caulis Akebiae | Mu Tong | 3g | Promotes urination. With Che Qian Zi and Ze Xie, drains Heat from Upper Jiao and eliminates Damp-Heat from Lower Jiao through the urine. With Che Qian Zi, for Heart Fire Transferring to the Small Intestine channel causing edema and painful urinary dysfunction. |
Rz. Alismatis | Ze Xie | 9g | Promotes urination and clears Damp Heat. With Mu Tong, for Lin Syndrome with scanty urine and edema. |
Rx. Rehmanniae | Sheng Di Huang | 9g | Nourishes Yin and clears Heat. |
Mix-fried Cx. Phellodendri | Huang Bai | 9g | Drains Damp-Heat especially from the Lower Jiao and drains Kidney Fire. With Che Qian Zi, resolves constraint and directs Qi downward for clearing Heat and Fire from the Liver channel and treats burning, painful, hesitant urination. |
Rx. Glycyrrhizae | Gan Cao | 6g | Clears Heat, relieves Fire toxicity, moderates and harmonizes the harsh properties of other herbs and guides the herbs to all twelve channels. |
Sm. Plantaginis | Che Qian Zi | 9g | Promotes urination and clears Heat. With Ze Xie, for Lin Syndrome, edema and distention. |
Fr. Rosae Laevigatae | Jin Ying Zi | 9g | Stabilizes the Kidneys, astringes urine and retains Jing. With Qian Shi, tonifies Kidney Qi and strengthens Jing to treat cloudy urine, spermatorrhea, urinary frequency, or vaginal discharge due to Kidney Deficiency |
Sm. Euryales | Qian Shi | 9g | Stabilizes the Kidneys,d astringes Jing, expels Dampness and stops discharge. |
Concha Ostreae | Mu Li | 18g | Calms the Liver, benefits Yin, anchors Floating Yang and prevents the leakage of fluids. |
- Clears the Liver
- Purges Fire
- Liver Fire